Posts Tagged mompreneur

How To Use Online Platforms To Turn Your Blogging Hobby Into A Money Making Business

I see that a lot of people have turned Blogging into a great hobby that they love.  The question is are you making money at it?  While you may never become a millionaire off of blogging, you can certainly make a great supplemental income and depending on your expertise, a very comfortable living.

There are many legitimate websites that offer paying projects both long and short-term looking for bloggers just like you.  Let’s face it, not all of us were created with a lot of creativity and great writing skills. That is why these projects are posted.  Business owners are looking to gain visibility through blog posts and article writing and they need to find a cost effective solution to get their topics written and out there.

I personally have a top 5 favorite list of sites that offer home-based work on a consistent basis and offer great pay.  You can literally start turning your hobby into a money-making business this week if you know where to look and how to respond to the project offers.

Since 2006, I have built a successful business around using just these websites.  Many sites are free to use and others have a very minimal fee. I have learned the secrets to standing out amongst the crowd and I now teach others how to create a Business around the Lifestyle they want.  You can work from home and get paid to do something that you love.  It is a win-win scenario.

Imagine being able to tell your friends and family that you work from home and make a successful living.  How jealous would they be?  That is the ultimate dream for many.  You can turn this dream into a reality if you know the best places to look.  Turn 2013 into your best year ever and start turning your hobby into a money-making business.


Business Lifestyle Architect

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5 Tips To Stand Out In Your Online Business

It seems as if everything is conducted online anymore.  What that means for you is that every single day, your competition grows.  What worked for you 2 years ago might not be working now and you need to reevaluate regularly to change your plan of attack.

While you may have a great customer base, it’s important to maintain close relationships with your customers.  The latest and greatest competitor could be lurking right around the corner.  While face to face business is easier to maintain a relationship, you should conduct yourself online in a way that puts you in front of your customer regularly.

There are 5 tips that will help you stay in front of your customer and stand out even in an online setting.

Tip #1 – Send regular newsletters

Emailing your customer regularly will increase your chances that they will not forget about you.  Incorporate new things you are offering in your business and let them know what is going on.  Keeping them well informed will make them feel more like part of a community rather than just another number.

 Tip #2 – Start a customer loyalty or reward program

Car Dealerships do it and guess what?  Customers go back to take advantage of their discount time and time again.  So why shouldn’t you have one of these programs.

You might want to segment your list to people who have been buying from you for over a year and send them a discount coupon code a couple times a year for being a loyal customer.  If you have a new product, wait to release it to the public and give them first dibs on buying your product at a slightly reduced rate. This will make them feel like they are getting something no one else has.

Making your customer feel like they truly matter and get perks for doing business with you will make you look good and provide some great referrals.

 Tip #3 – Offer to feature your best customers in your newsletter

Having a great customer section in your newsletter where you spotlight some of your customers will give them that feeling of being famous and recognized as being a loyal customer.  Plus, that person will most likely forward your newsletter to everyone they know which in turn will grow your list.

Tip #4 – Support a charity

Nothing is more important than giving back and people love to do business with people who give back.  It means that customers money is contributing to a great cause.  Showcase on your website that a percentage of all profit goes to a specific charity.  Let them know several times per year how much money you have contributed to that charity and thank your customers.

Tip #5 – Handle discrepancies immediately

Nothing is worse than calling or emailing a company and not getting a response for days.  When customers are unhappy, they file claims with their payment facilities and that gives your business a bad rap.

Rectify the problem immediately.  Offer some type of consolation like an extra product of low cost for the inconvenience.  If they are adamant about just receiving their money after all efforts have been exhausted, then make sure to refund their money that day.

Following these 5 tips will help you stand out in the marketplace, increase referrals and keep your customers satisfied.  A satisfied customer is more likely to stay with a company they like even when prices increase because they know they will get great service and feel appreciated.

Dawn Chuma

Business Lifestyle Architect

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