Posts Tagged Empower

Top 5 Tips For Organizing Your Workload

1. Keep a time diary of all activities – Prepare your work to-do list as per priority and execute accordingly.  If you have a big report due this week, allot 1 hour per day to set aside specifically for that task.  If you try to continually do 5 things at once, you will never really get anywhere.

2. Effectively manage communication – Keep a tidy inbox with separate folders for different mail.  Color code things.  Red can mean important, Blue can mean action item, Orange can mean time sensitive.

3. Prepare in advance for meetings – Ensure a productive output.  There is nothing worse than attending a meeting you either didn’t need to be at or you got absolutely nothing out of.  I’m a big fan of agenda’s because it keeps you on track.  Prepare an agenda, make copies for everyone and allow a certain amount of time on each point before moving on.

4. Prioritize – For multiple projects on hand and numerous tasks to achieve – prioritize and decide on a time line to keep you on top of the things.  This goes hand in hand with a color system.  Start working on the time sensitive first, then move on to the important items, then start on the items that require action.

5. Delegate tasks to capable people – Saves you time, energy and a whole lot of headache and sleepless nights.  Believe me, before incorporating a couple of Virtual Assistants to help me in the areas I was weak, I was running myself ragged.  We all only have 24 hours in a day.  It is not possible to try and fit any more into a day than we can already handle.  Let go of the “I can do it all myself” mindset and delegate the work to someone else.

Managing workloads effectively will keep you free from anxieties and will help you to perform better at the office and will ultimately help you achieve your desired professional and personal goals.

Organization is the key to managing workloads and will most certainly improve business performance if carried out effectively.

Dawn Chuma

Less than 3 weeks till my brand new & improved site rolls out

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The Importance of Having Company Manuals

So many times, I start working with a Company and they have nothing documented.  To me, this seems sloppy, irresponsible and unorganized.

Even if you work all by yourself, there’s going to come a time when you need to bring someone on to work with you.  The first question I ask my clients is “Do you have a Company Manual”?  99% of the time I hear “No”.   If you are considering bringing on a Virtual Assistant; how do you expect them to learn about your Business?

Besides Company Manuals, you need to have Training Manuals as well.  Documentation of everything you do and how to do it.  Maybe you see no need for it now, but trust me; once you bring someone on to help you will be spending more time than you would like on training.  If you have all of this documented with step by step instructions before-hand, you will have made your life so much easier.

Think about it – If you went on Vacation tomorrow, could anyone step in and run your Business for you?  If not, then something needs to change.  You don’t want to be a slave to your Business forever.  Try using a Virtual Assistant to create Company Manuals for you.  It’s low-cost and will be very effective down the road.  Think of it as a Goal to work towards.

Dawn Chuma

Goal Activation Catalyst



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Your Greatest Small Business Solution

Have you ever wondered how some small businesses are thriving while you seem to barely keep your head above water?  Well there is one secret to highly successful and functional businesses and that secret is Virtual Assistance.

Did you know that there is a Virtual Provider for anything you need done in your business?  Whether you need a new website, newsletter designed, marketing assistance, administrative help or simple cold calling – there IS an industry specific VA for you.

I thoroughly enjoy coaching businesses on using a Virtual Assistant to get the leverage they need.  If you are afraid of using one,  unsure how they can REALLY help you, or maybe you just don’t know where to look – that’s okay and you are not alone.

I personally use Virtual Assistance in my own business to get everything I need done in a week.  Here are a few tips to finding the VA that’s right for you.

  • Get specific – Why hire a VA if they have no experience in your industry?  Target only VA’s that are experienced in your area of expertise
  • Create your profile – You have an ideal client profile, so why not have an Ideal Virtual Assistant profile?  Define your needs, express your wants and start looking.  There WILL be a match for you.  You just have to ask the right questions.
  • Start with a Trial Period – I recommend this to even the clients who want to use me.  Start with a simple 2 week or 1 month period to see if it is a great match on both ends.  Just because a Virtual Provider has a great track record and a vast client base, doesn’t mean they will be the right one for YOU.  So dip your feet in the water first before you jump in head first.

Once you find the VA that you know whole-heartedly is going to make a big difference in your business, you will soon find out what a worth while investment you have made.


Dawn Chuma

Goal Activation Catalyst



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What Exactly is a Project Manager?

So your wondering what a Project Manager really is?  A Project Manager is an integral part of any Business and can essentially take a lot of pressure off of the Business Owner and facilitate projects with ease.

A Virtual Project Manager (like myself) is one who does this from a remote location to save you money and increase productivity.

There are 5 phases associated with Project Management and this is what a Project Manager (PM) will do for you.

1.) Plan

2.) Lead

3.) Manage

4.) Secure

5.) Execute

Over my next few blog posts I will be going a little more in depth on what each phase means.  From where I sit, anyone who has a business needs a PM.  When you have a PM it says to your customers “I know what I’m doing”.  Wouldn’t you like to send that message?


Dawn Chuma

Goal Activation Catalyst


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Communication in the “Cloud”

If you have ever heard the phrase “working in the cloud” and wondered what it is – It’s really encompassing everything happening in the virtual world.  People who work from home or work remotely, are working in “the cloud”.  Files are shared in “the cloud”  Everything, even communication – is taking place in “the cloud”.

So it’s really really extra important that communication is crystal clear when you never get the opportunity to speak face-to-face.  Directions must me clearly defined, roles need to be clearly specified and expectations should be clearly communicated.  Misunderstandings can happen too easily when you do not get to see facial expressions, body language or the actual physical piece of paper the other person is looking at.

I learned the importance of clear communication about 10 years ago when I was in a Management training class.   We had a communication exercise to see if our words demonstrated our thoughts.  The room was split in half.  Half the people stayed in the room (they were the teachers), the other half went outside (they were the students).  I was a teacher.

In 10 minutes, the “teachers” had to learn how to make an origami frog.  Now I had never learned how to make origami, nor did I want to learn.  None the less, I had 10 minutes to learn.  When that 10 minutes was up, the students came back in the room.  Our job as the teacher, was to teach the students how to make the same frog by very clear and specific directions.

It wasn’t enough to say fold the paper in half.  What did half mean?  Right to left; left to right; top to bottom?  You had to say take the left side of the paper and fold it half so that it’s even with the right side.  The goal of this exercise was to not grab the paper and show the students ourselves.  So often we just say “here let me do it” because we are so frustrated and we think it’s the learners fault.  In reality, it is probably the way we are teaching it.  We are not specific and clear enough.

Working in the cloud – you don’t get the opportunity to take the piece of paper out of someone’s hand.  You have to communicate in a way that is concise, in a way that states exactly what you want.  Not just what makes sense to you.  Think about it from a learners standpoint.  Are there any steps you could be skipping?  Is there terminology that they might not understand?  If anything, it is best to overcommunicate.

Next time you ask a remote worker to complete a task, step back and ask yourself if you think it was clearly communicated.  If the directions would make sense to anyone.  I believe that this communication barrier is one of the bigger obstacles when working virtually or remotely.  It is your job to overcome that hurdle.

Dawn Chuma

Goal Activation Catalyst

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Let Me Empower You


I need your help in order to find out what interests you the most.  I would like to create a mastermind for people who want to feel empowered in specific areas of their life.


Dawn Chuma

Goal Activation Catalyst

Empowering you to be the best YOU, you can be!

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